
PHP DevBox

The official DevBox php environment with popular linux tools on Alpine-Linux.


All variants are avilable to pull from Docker hub, just replace php with the variant you need:

docker pull cto4/devbox:php

Included Packages

All packages in core plus:

Name Description
PHP 8.3 The latest major version of the PHP programming language with new features and improvements.
Apache2 A widely used web server software for hosting websites and applications.
Composer A dependency manager for PHP that simplifies library and package management in PHP projects.

Feel free to explore and utilize these tools in your development process! 🛠️✨

PHP Extensions

Library/Extension Description
apache2 Provides an interface for running PHP scripts in the Apache web server.
ctype Functions for character class checking (e.g., checking if a character is a digit).
curl Library for making HTTP requests, allowing interaction with various APIs.
gd Graphics library for manipulating images (creating, altering, etc.).
iconv Functions to convert data between different character encodings.
json Functions for encoding and decoding JSON data, useful for API interactions.
mbstring Multibyte string functions for handling non-ASCII character encodings.
mysqli Improved interface for MySQL database interactions (supports both procedural and object-oriented style).
pdo_mysql Provides a data-access abstraction layer for working with MySQL databases.
pdo_sqlite Provides a data-access abstraction layer for working with SQLite databases.
session Functions for managing user sessions to maintain state across requests.
sodium Library for modern cryptography, providing secure encryption and hashing functions.
sqlite3 Interface for interacting with SQLite databases.
xml Functions for working with XML data (parsing, manipulating, etc.).
zip Functions for creating and managing ZIP archives.
